Newcomer's Lunch
A Newcomer's Lunch is the perfect place to start if you want to get connected at Grace Bible. At a Newcomer's Lunch, you'll meet the staff, hear about the vision, core values, and history of Grace Bible Church, and learn about how to get plugged in to a Community Group.

Community Groups
Community Groups are where church becomes family. We gather as a church on Sunday mornings to worship together and hear the Word preached, but then we gather in a smaller, more informal setting inside people’s homes to care for each other and apply Scripture to our lives. Community Groups gather once a week. Members will share a meal together, care for each other, discuss the sermon from that Sunday, and then apply it to their lives.

Membership in a local church is the public declaration that you belong to this body of believers, and that we belong to you. It is a mutual commitment made by the individual and the congregation to carry out the commands of the New Testament to love, serve and protect one another.

Serving on a team is one of the best ways to connect with a group of people at Grace Bible. One of the marks of discipleship is the desire to serve those inside and outside the church. At Grace Bible, we function as a family where everyone chips in and serves where they are able and gifted.

Looking to grow in your faith?
Consider attending one of our Core Discipleship Classes designed for people who have questions about Christianity, are new to the faith, or would like to grow as a believer.