Grace kids | 0-5th Grade
Grace Kids exists to partner with parents in gospel-centered discipleship of their children. Our aim is to serve you and your children by providing them with a safe environment where they can learn about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Buddies | special needs ministry
The 1-on-1 Buddy Team at Grace Kids exists to provide a gospel-centered, inclusive environment for individuals with specific needs. We not only want to serve these individuals but also partner with their families as they participate in the life of the church.
Respite | Special Needs ministry
Respite Ministry exists to love and serve families affected by disability in Central Oregon. Born out of a partnership with The Elisha Foundation, Respite Ministry seeks to better serve families impacted by disability.
Grace Bible youth | 6th-12th Grade
Grace Bible Youth exists to partner with parents in the discipleship process of their teenagers. Our goal is to come alongside students and parents to foster a love for Jesus, his Word, his mission, and his church in the lives of teenagers in our community.
young adults | ages 18-26
The Young Adults ministry at Grace Bible Church is designed to help 18-26 year-olds grow as disciples, get connected to a community of Christian peers, and serve as a bridge between Student Ministries and functioning as an adult fully engaged in a community group at Grace Bible.
women's ministry
Our women’s ministry exists to help women grow in their understanding and love for God’s Word, and to foster greater connection for women of all ages. Our vision is to teach women the importance of the Word, as well as to bring them together to encourage and lift one another up through their various stages of life.
counseling & discipleship
We’re here to help. Our compassionate counselors will help you find Biblical answers to the issues of life and encourage you in your relationship with our great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Grace Bible Church Counselors are trained to help with marriage and family problems, addictions, emotional issues and relational crisis.
care team | practical help
Do you have a practical need a brother or sister from the Care Team could help with? Whether it’s an emergency or an ongoing need, we can help with things like delivering a meal, childcare, home or car repair, snow removal, transportation, running an errand, help with moving, managing a budget, home cleaning and organizing, etc.
community outreach
Grace Bible Church of Bend partners with several local agencies and ministries to support families and individuals in Central Oregon. See below for more information and how to get involved.
worship ministry
Grace Bible Church Music exists to help the church exalt, proclaim and rejoice in Jesus Christ as Lord. Just like Colossians 3:16 says, we aim to “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Ministry Partners
Grace Bible Church partners with church planters and missionaries here in the US and worldwide.
grace academy
Grace Academy's mission is to partner with families to offer a sound, biblical education that will equip students academically as well as spiritually, helping each student to learn and grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
Join the Team
serve on a ministry team at Grace bible
At Grace Bible, we function as a family where everyone chips in and serves where they are able and gifted. Click here to find out how you can jump in and serve.