Enduring Faithfulness

The Enduring Faithfulness campaign brought the Grace Bible family together in sacrificial giving, meeting the needs for a new building for our growing children's and youth ministries, as well as an expansion of the lobby area of the Worship Center. This also freed up space for a new Counseling Center that has blessed the people of Grace and the community. God has been incredibly faithful to Grace Bible Church over the years, and we are excited to see how he will use these buildings for his glory and the good of his people for generations to come.

How can I participate?

Through the faithful and sacrificial giving of our church family during the Enduring Faithfulness campaign, we were able to limit the size of our loan to about half the cost of the total project. In the graphic below, you can see where we are currently with the loan repayment. If you would like to participate in Enduring Faithfulness, you can help by contributing to the loan repayment fund linked below. Thank you!

Financial Update

Each month, we will post an update on the remaining loan balance

The New Building

Click on an image to view larger

Completion Photos

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Give Directly to the loan repayment fund