Grace Kids Christmas Eve 2022

Every year leading up to Christmas Eve, we have our Grace Kids practice a few songs to perform during the service. Use these videos to practice the hand motions at home, and fill out the survey form to help us know how many kids to prepare for at each of our Christmas Eve services.

Survey Form & What to Expect

This year we'll be having 2 Christmas Eve services at 3 and 5 pm. When you arrive, you'll find seats with your whole family, and then we will dismiss the kids during one of the songs to get lined up in the hallway. From there, we'll direct the kids onto the stage where they'll perform their songs, and afterwards we'll have "story time" where we'll read the Christmas story from one of our Children's Storybook Bibles. After the reading, children will be dismissed to sit with their families for the rest of the service.

Please take the time to fill out this survey to help us know how many kids to prepare for at each service.

Hand Motion Videos