Fall Indoor Gathering Plan at Grace Bible Church
Starting on Oct. 4 th we will be moving back to two indoor services at 8:30 and 10:30am. As defined in the video above, we are trying to the best of our ability to honor our governmental leaders at this time (Rom 13:1-7, Titus 3:1-2 and 1 Peter 2:13-17) and will be trying to meet in accordance to the guidelines outlined for venues in Oregon. This means during both services we will have a limit of 100 in our Worship Center and will also be doing a livestream service with a limit of 50 in our chapel. The service in the chapel will include communion and an elder will be present for prayer or other needs. We will also be having limited childcare for ages 1-5 in three classrooms limited to 10 kids per class. In addition to our two locations on our church campus we will continue to livestream the entire service for those who are not ready to return yet and for our community groups which will be meeting 1 Sunday a month together. We are also asking that people would respect the distance and mask guidelines that we are being asked to follow. It will also really help us if everyone can please RSVP prior to coming so we can speed up the process of welcoming you on Sunday and knowing how many to prepare for. The invite emails will go out each week and the links will be available on our website
Grace kids
Our Grace Kids classrooms will be available for the following ages during our 8:30 and 10:30 services:
8:30 Service: Infant - 2 year-olds (Main building) and 3s-Kindergarten (Chapel)
10:30 Service: Infant - 2 year-olds (Main building), 3s-Kindergarten (Chapel), and 1st-3rd Grade (Chapel)
If you are planning on checking your child in to one of our classrooms, you do not need to include them in your family's Sunday service registration. Our classrooms have a limit of 10 kids each, so if your child's classroom is full by the time you arrive, we will have activity bags available to keep your kids engaged during the service. We also have a family-friendly overflow room in our main building (to the left as you enter the main doors) with couches and kid's tables. That room is stocked with crayons and coloring sheets, and it's a great spot for families with little kids.
Community Groups
Community Groups have started up again and we are encouraging everyone to stay connected. For those who do not feel comfortable meeting in person we have one group that is currently only meeting via zoom and you are welcome to join them. For everyone else, please check with your Community Group leader to see how your group will be gathering together this fall. We have asked that all groups that are over 10-12 people would either find a way to meet in smaller groups or would please follow distancing and facemask guidelines for larger groups. We will be utilizing the church buildings for larger groups who want to all meet together. In addition to the weekly CG gathering, we are asking that each CG would choose one Sunday a month where they meet up and participate in the worship service livestream together. Please check with your CG leader to find out what your group will be
doing this fall.
doing this fall.
Student ministries
Middle School and High School students will be meeting in the Worship Center on Wednesday nights (6:30-8:30) for a time of worship and teaching. The students are also being asked to abide by the distance and face covering guidelines we have been given by the state leaders for the time being. It would be greatly appreciated if you can help your student understand this request before they come. These are challenging times, but we know that in the plans of our sovereign God He uses every trial in our lives to produce an even greater faith and perseverance (James 1:1-4) and that He is constantly at work using all things to bring about our sanctification and His eternally glory (Rom 8:28-30). The Lord Jesus Christ is our hope and our salvation. We are trusting in His plan even when we do not understand what it is in this moment. We are hopeful that this temporary inconvenience will be brief and we are asking the Lord to strengthen our church family through this season. Thank you for your continued prayer and support of our elders as we try to navigate our church through a difficult time in a way that best honors the Lord and loves our neighbors. As always, if you have questions or would like to discuss anything further, please reach out to me or one of our elders.
May the Lord bless our church family this fall and keep us united in Christ
Pastor Phil
Pastor Phil